Friday, September 12, 2008

Saigon Sarah

Maybe right-wing book-banning religious kooks aren't all that bad.


Billy Jack said...

Apparently it's a pellet rifle. Too bad.

Anonymous said...

where is this picture from and why is it not on the front page of both mccain & obama's websites??

Robot Boy said...

Americans have always been stupid. Any country that has a political party called the 'Know Nothing' party. It's the dark side of the leveling effect of Democracy. Boisterous, self-satisfied stupidity.

*** ******** said...

she's hot. i love seeing her on the news after ad nauseum clips of the hyena cackle of Rodster Clinton....we have been rewarded for the time in hell that was the Democratic run-off process.

Robot Boy said...

Reality-TV at its finest (which paradoxically means at its most debased). I keep thinking of 'Idiocracy.'